Alibaba Cloud

To integrate Alibaba Cloud with Zluri you have to visit the integrations page in your Zluri workspace & click on 'Alibaba Cloud'.

Integration with Alibaba Cloud requires authorization from the Alibaba Cloud administrator. If you have the Alibaba Cloud Admin credentials you can authorize yourself. Or you can send an invite to your co-worker to complete the authorization.

Your co-worker will get an email with a link to complete the authorization.

To connect you or your coworker will be redirected to the following page where you will need to enter the Access Key Id & Access Key Secret.

Please follow the below process to get the Access Key ID & Access Key Secret.

1. Go to Alibaba Cloud Management Console.

2. Move the pointer over the profile picture in the upper-right corner of the page and click AccessKey Management

3.Copy Access Key ID and Access Key Secret and paste it here


To uninstall the app please hover on the Alibaba Cloud App in the integrations tab & Click 'More Info'. It will open a page like below. You can click 'Disconnect' to disconnect the Application from your Zluri account.

If you are facing any trouble or need further assistance, please write to