Notion Data Processing
Zluri fetches the list of users from Notion. This article explains how you validate the user data presented in Zluri.
How Zluri fetches the data:
Zluri calls the following API to fetch user data from Notion.
Status & License Mapping
Notion API does not send a status field. Hence every user who comes from the Notion API in the most recent sync are marked with User Application Status = Active.
The users who were coming from any of the previous syncs and but not coming in the latest sync are marked with User Application Status = Inactive.
Zluri assigns a license to each active user in Notion.
How to validate the data:
The sum of Members & Requests count will be equal to the count of active & licenses users presented in Zluri dashboard.
Notion API does not differentiate between Members & Requests. This is a limitation of Notion API and not at Zluri data processing end.
Updated 4 months ago