Connect Via SSO

Connect Jamf Pro to Zluri via SSO


  • Administrator privileges in Jamf Pro (to create API role and client)

Integration steps

Create an API role

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro.

  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.

  3. In the System section, click API Roles and Clients.

  4. Click the API Roles tab at the top of the pane.

  5. Click New.

  6. Enter a display name for the API role.

  7. In the Jamf Pro API role privileges field, search for and assign the following privileges:

    1. Read User Extension Attributes
    2. Read Static User Groups
    3. Read Smart User Groups
    4. Read User
    5. View JSS Information

    Optional privileges

    If you wish to use the optional features, add the following privileges:

    1. Read Mobile devices
    2. Read Computers
    3. Read Advanced Computer Searches
  8. Click Save.

Create an API Client

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Settings in the sidebar.
  2. In the System section, click API roles and clients.
  3. Click the APl Clients tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a display name for the API client, e.g., zluri-integration.
  6. In the API Roles field, assign the previously created role.
  7. Under Access Token Lifetime, enter the time in seconds that you want access tokens to be valid for.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Edit.
  10. Click Enable API Client.
  11. Click Save.

Generate a client secret

  1. Navigate to the API client created above and click Generate Client Secret.
  2. Click Create Secret in the confirmation dialog.
  3. Copy and save the client secret in a secure location.

Connect the Jamf Pro instance in Zluri

  1. Open the Integrations Catalog, search for “jamf pro”, and click ➕ Connect.

  2. Choose the scopes for the integration, and click Continue. You can click the down-arrow button towards the right of a scope to find out what it does.


    If you added the optional privileges while creating the API role, select the optional scopes here as well.

  3. Fill out the fields as follows:

    1. Username / Client ID: Enter the client ID created above

    2. Password / Client secret: Enter the secret for the client ID

    3. Organization: Your company's Jamf Pro subdomain, for example, if you access Jamf through, enter umbrellacorp here.

    4. SSO: Set to Enabled

  4. Click Connect, give the connection a name and description, and you’re ready to go!

Got questions? Feel free to submit a ticket or contact us directly at [email protected].