Moskit CRM
To integrate Moskit CRM with Zluri you have to visit the integration page in your Zluri workspace & click on 'Moskit CRM'.

Get API key:
1. Login to your Moskit CRM Account.
2. Go to Marketplace=> Moskit CRM Public API and click `View more`.
3. In the section, Click ‘generate apikey’
4. Click ‘Do not register email’

Integration with Moskit CRM requires authorization from the Moskit CRM administrator. If you have the Moskit CRM Admin credentials you can authorize yourself. Or you can send an invite to your co-worker to complete the authorization.

If you are inviting your co-worker to complete the authorization, You will need to fill his name, email & a note (optional) and we will send an invite to him.

Your co-worker will get an email with a link to complete the authorization. And will see a screen as shown below after he completes the step.

Once you authorise Moskit CRM, you will be able to see an overview of how the Moskit CRM application is used across your organization.

You will also be able to see which users use Moskit CRM & their details such as last used date, usage & spend allocated to them.

To uninstall the app please hover on the Moskit CRM App in the integrations tab & Click App Info'.You can click 'Disconnect' to disconnect the Application from your Zluri account.
Updated 5 months ago