App-specific Overview

Clicking on an app in the Applications module will bring you to its overview. This article describes all the sections in detail.

App Overview

This is a centralized dashboard of the selected app.

Here are the data points in this tab:

Integration info

Displays critical information such as status, owners, contracts, and budget.

User, license, contract, and cost overview

This section displays the following information:

  • Active Users from Direct Integration: Number of active users detected from the direct integration
  • Active Users from all sources: Number of users with 'User Application Status' as 'Active' detected from all sources
  • Assigned Licenses: Number of licenses which are assigned to users
  • Upcoming Contract End Date: The end date for the contract which is coming up for renewal next
  • Actual Spend in Current FY: Sum of transaction amounts from the beginning of financial year till date
  • Annualized Cost: Cost of licenses in the current month multiplied by 12

Actual spend vs computed cost

A graphical comparison of the actual spend (purple) vs the estimated cost (orange). Choose between Monthly and Yearly views using the buttons on the top-right, or customize the timescale using the month and year picker on the top-left.

Department-wise spend and Notes

You can also add app-specific Notes. To set a reminder for a note, press the 🔔 bell icon.

A detailed overview of the employees who have access to the application. See the article on the Users tab for more.

An overview of the app's active licenses. See the article on the Licenses tab for more.

App Insights help you identify cost-saving opportunities across your organization's software subscriptions. By analyzing user activity patterns and license statuses, this feature highlights areas where you can optimize spending and improve license management.

See the article on the App Insights tab for more.

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