Integrations Overview
Integrations overview
Integrations display all the possible integrations available. As of now, Zluri supports direct integrations with 750+ applications and adds more and more integrations every month.
To integrate any application with Zluri you must visit the integrations page in your Zluri workspace & click on ‘Connect’.
The integration screen has all the categories present in it. We can view the list of integrations—category-wise—and sort them by name, active & status. There is also a recommended section that lists the apps used in your organization to integrate, a connected section that lists the apps connected by an organization at present and a pending requests section that shows a list of requests sent to co-workers for integration connection along with their status.
The Integration module has 3 main subdivisions as follows:
Recommended: This section lists the apps which are highly recommended for integration. Recommended integrations are populated based on the most widely used apps used by users across your organization, Zluri fetches this information from the SSO you connect. Zluri recommends you to integrate with such apps, in case, integration is available for them.
Connected: This section lists the apps already integrated with Zluri.
Connection Requests: This section lists the apps which have already requested to be connected but are awaiting authorization or require the request to be resent.
Updated 3 months ago