Connect OneLogin to Zluri
- Account owner or Administrator privileges in OneLogin
Integration steps
Create OneLogin API credentials
Sign in to OneLogin and navigate to Developers → API Credentials.
Click New Credential, give it a name, and select the Read all scope. Click Save.
If you wish to use Zluri’s workflow-related features with OneLogin, choose Manage all instead.
- Copy and store the Client ID and Client Secret.
Connect the OneLogin instance in Zluri
Open the Integrations Catalog, search for “onelogin”, and click ➕ Connect.
Choose the scopes for the integration, and click Continue. You can click the down-arrow button towards the right of a scope to find out what it does.
Enter the previously generated Client ID and Client Secret, and select your region.
Click Connect, give the connection a name and description, and you’re ready to go!
Got questions? Feel free to submit a ticket or contact us directly at
Updated 27 days ago