
Connect OneLogin to Zluri


  • Account owner or Administrator privileges in OneLogin

Integration steps

Create OneLogin API credentials

  1. Sign in to OneLogin and navigate to DevelopersAPI Credentials.

  2. Click New Credential, give it a name, and select the Read all scope. Click Save.


If you wish to use Zluri’s workflow-related features with OneLogin, choose Manage all instead.

  1. Copy and store the Client ID and Client Secret.

Connect the OneLogin instance in Zluri

  1. Open the Integrations Catalog, search for “onelogin”, and click ➕ Connect.

  2. Choose the scopes for the integration, and click Continue. You can click the down-arrow button towards the right of a scope to find out what it does.

  3. Enter the previously generated Client ID and Client Secret, and select your region.

  4. Click Connect, give the connection a name and description, and you’re ready to go!

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