To connect to Jamf Pro, you must enter your username, password & organization name.

1. Please enter the username and password you use to login into your Jamf portal

2. Please enter your organization name in the 'organization' field, i.e. If your Jamf portal URL is, Your organization name is 'zluri'

If you use SSO to log in to Jamf, you must follow the steps below.

You need to perform the following steps in your Jamf Pro account to complete the integration in case; if you have configured SSO in Jamf

  1. Login to jamf cloud account on (replace zluri with your account name)
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner to go to settings -> select Jamf Pro User Accounts & Groups
  3. Create a new account and select the standard account:
  1. Provide username, password and, in privilege set -> select Auditor
  1. Click on Save to create a new account.
  2. Go to Zluri dashboard -> connect jamf pro
  3. Provide username and password created in jamf 
  4. In the domain field, provide a subdomain of jamfcloud url 

If you are facing any trouble or need further assistance, please write to [email protected].